As organisations handle record numbers of applicants for positions, robust, cost-effective selection techniques have never been more important.

The importance of better selection

Having more job applicants does not necessarily represent an improved talent pool. It simply means more candidates to assess. Many organisations continue to use the selection methods they are used to; but designing effective selection processes that use modern, objective tools gives organisations a better chance of making informed choices. This way it is possible to pinpoint the candidates who will perform best, based on the specific job requirements.
Selection funnel graphic

How to improve selection techniques

There are pressures on organisations to make quick recruitment decisions with minimal financial impact. There are also long-standing traditions in various industries prescribing what job selection looks like, whether this is graduate recruitment or headhunting for top leaders. These pressures can hamper good selection decisions. Organisations need more objective selection tools, wielded with expertise, to transform the process by better predicting job performance.

Efficiently sifting and assessing new hires and high-potential employees takes the lottery element out of selection, delivering more dependable and cost-effective recruitment.

 Effective selection delivers:

  • Improved job performance, better results
  • Cost-effective recruitment – better use of time and resources
  • Better fit between candidates and job requirements
  • Confident recruitment and promotion decisions
  • Higher company morale and retention rates
  • An enhanced employer brand

Which tools should I use for selection?

PSI’s selection tools include ability tests, aptitude tests and personality questionnaires.

  • The 16pf Competency Report can be used to match candidates’ profiles to the competencies defined as crucial for certain roles.

“I was so impressed that the results of the behavioural interview and the role-plays bore out the 16pf results so strongly – consistency was excellent. The mix of personality and behavioural assessment along with knowledge and skills assessment is really a uniquely powerful combination.”

Gary Sagar

HR Director